Alex E. Schwartzman
Affiliations: | Concordia University (Canada), Montreal, QC, Canada |
Cognitive Psychology, Physiological PsychologyGoogle:
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Hastings PD, Serbin LA, Bukowski W, et al. (2019) Predicting psychosis-spectrum diagnoses in adulthood from social behaviors and neighborhood contexts in childhood. Development and Psychopathology. 1-15 |
Kennedy-Turner K, Serbin LA, Stack DM, et al. (2019) Prevention of Criminal Offending: The Intervening and Protective Effects of Education for Aggressive Youth The British Journal of Criminology. 60: 537-558 |
Ferrar SJ, Stack DM, Dickson DJ, et al. (2019) Maternal Socialization Responses to Preschoolers’ Success and Struggle: Links to Contextual Factors and Academic and Cognitive Outcomes Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 33: 363-381 |
Kakinami L, Serbin LA, Stack DM, et al. (2017) Neighbourhood disadvantage and behavioural problems during childhood and the risk of cardiovascular disease risk factors and events from a prospective cohort. Preventive Medicine Reports. 8: 294-300 |
Enns LN, Barrieau LE, Stack DM, et al. (2016) Verbal and nonverbal communication in at-risk mother-child dyads: Implications for relationship quality and developing positive social behaviours in middle-childhood European Journal of Developmental Psychology. 13: 1-19 |
Harvey B, Matte-Gagné C, Stack DM, et al. (2016) Risk and protective factors for autonomy-supportive and controlling parenting in high-risk families Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 43: 18-28 |
Briscoe C, Stack DM, Serbin LA, et al. (2016) Maternal guidance in at-risk mother-child dyads: Associations with contextual variables Infant and Child Development. 26: e2017 |
Véronneau MH, Serbin LA, Stack DM, et al. (2015) Emerging psychopathology moderates upward social mobility: The intergenerational (dis)continuity of socioeconomic status. Development and Psychopathology. 27: 1217-36 |
Hastings PD, Helm J, Mills RS, et al. (2015) Dispositional and Environmental Predictors of the Development of Internalizing Problems in Childhood: Testing a Multilevel Model. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 43: 831-45 |
August EG, Stack DM, Martin-Storey A, et al. (2015) Emotion Regulation in At-Risk Preschoolers: Longitudinal Associations and Influences of Maternal Histories of Risk Infant and Child Development |