Christopher P. Niemiec, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2010 | University of Rochester, Rochester, NY |
Social Psychology, Experimental PsychologyGoogle:
"Christopher Niemiec"Mean distance: 18.62
Sign in to add mentorEdward Lewis Deci | grad student | 2010 | Rochester | |
(Contextual supports for autonomy and the development of high-quality relationships following mutual self-disclosure.) |
Sign in to add traineeKaitlyn M. Werner | research assistant | 2009-2013 | Rochester (PsychTree) |
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Sevild CH, Niemiec CP, Bru LE, et al. (2020) Initiation and maintenance of lifestyle changes among participants in a healthy life centre: a qualitative study. Bmc Public Health. 20: 1006 |
Moller AC, Roth G, Niemiec CP, et al. (2018) Mediators of the associations between parents’ conditional regard and the quality of their adult-children’s peer-relationships Motivation and Emotion. 43: 35-51 |
Niemiec CP. (2017) Using Self-Determination Theory to Distinguish Best and Worst Experiences in LDL Apheresis Treatment among Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 11: 800 |
Williams GC, Niemiec CP, Patrick H, et al. (2016) Outcomes of the Smoker's Health Project: a pragmatic comparative effectiveness trial of tobacco-dependence interventions based on self-determination theory. Health Education Research. 31: 749-759 |
Farholm A, Halvari H, Niemiec CP, et al. (2016) Changes in return to work among patients in vocational rehabilitation: a self-determination theory perspective. Disability and Rehabilitation. 1-8 |
Olafsen AH, Niemiec CP, Halvari H, et al. (2016) On the dark side of work: a longitudinal analysis using self-determination theory European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 26: 275-285 |
Block R, Niemiec C, Rigby S, et al. (2016) Virtual Clinician Need Support, Health-Behavior Change, and Its Maintenance Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 10: 667 |
Schultz PP, Ryan RM, Niemiec CP, et al. (2015) Mindfulness, Work Climate, and Psychological Need Satisfaction in Employee Well-being Mindfulness. 6: 971-985 |
Williams GC, Niemiec CP, Elliot AJ, et al. (2014) Virtual Look AHEAD program: initial support for a partly virtualized intensive lifestyle intervention in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 37: e169-70 |
Williams GC, Halvari H, Niemiec CP, et al. (2014) Managerial support for basic psychological needs, somatic symptom burden and work-related correlates: A self-determination theory perspective Work and Stress. 28: 404-419 |