Patricia Abbott

D'Youville College, Buffalo, NY, United States 
maternal behavior
"Patricia Abbott"
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Susan Elaine Dutch research assistant SUNY Buffalo (PsychTree)
Mark B. Kristal grad student 1984-1991 SUNY Buffalo
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Woody GE, Poole SA, Subramaniam G, et al. (2008) Extended vs short-term buprenorphine-naloxone for treatment of opioid-addicted youth: a randomized trial. Jama. 300: 2003-11
Robinson TM, Abbott P, Kristal MB. (1995) Blockade of digestion by famotidine pretreatment does not interfere with the opioid-enhancing effect of ingested amniotic fluid. Physiology & Behavior. 57: 261-3
Thompson AC, Abbott P, Doerr JC, et al. (1991) Amniotic fluid ingestion before vaginal/cervical stimulation produces a dose-dependent enhancement of analgesia and blocks pseudopregnancy. Physiology & Behavior. 50: 11-5
Abbott P, Thompson AC, Ferguson EJ, et al. (1991) Placental opioid-enhancing factor (POEF): generalizability of effects. Physiology & Behavior. 50: 933-40
Kristal MB, Thompson AC, Abbott P, et al. (1990) Amniotic-fluid ingestion by parturient rats enhances pregnancy-mediated analgesia. Life Sciences. 46: 693-8
Kristal MB, Abbott P, Thompson AC. (1988) Dose-dependent enhancement of morphine-induced analgesia by ingestion of amniotic fluid and placenta. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 31: 351-6
Kristal MB, Thompson AC, Abbott P. (1986) Ingestion of amniotic fluid enhances opiate analgesia in rats. Physiology & Behavior. 38: 809-15
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