Vivianne M. Bentley, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2004 | Concordia University (Canada), Montreal, QC, Canada |
Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family StudiesGoogle:
"Vivianne Bentley"Mean distance: 30533.1
Sign in to add mentorDale M. Stack | grad student | 2004 | Concordia University Montreal | |
(The influence of parental and contexual variables on the quality of the mother-child relationship and child cognitive and behavioural outcomes: Implications for the intergenerational transfer of risk.) |
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Stack DM, Serbin LA, Girouard N, et al. (2012) The quality of the mother-child relationship in high-risk dyads: application of the Emotional Availability Scales in an intergenerational, longitudinal study. Development and Psychopathology. 24: 93-105 |