Noemi Cantin, Ph.D.

2012 Rehabilitation Science University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Rehabilitation and Therapy, Neuroscience Biology
"Noemi Cantin"
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Helene Polatajko grad student 2012 University of Toronto
 (Describing the Effect of Motor Ability on Visual-Motor Skill Acquisition and Task Performance in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder.)
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Madieu E, Therriault PY, Cantin N, et al. (2023) Effectiveness of CO-OP group intervention for children with developmental coordination disorder: single-case experimental design study protocol. Bmj Open. 13: e073854
Gagné-Trudel S, Therriault PY, Cantin N. (2023) Exploring Therapeutic Relationships in Pediatric Occupational Therapy: A Meta-Ethnography. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. Revue Canadienne D'Ergotherapie. 84174231186078
Madieu E, Gagné-Trudel S, Therriault PY, et al. (2023) Effectiveness of CO-OP Approach for Children With Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Systematic Review. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation. 5: 100260
Cantin N, Hubert J. (2019) A description of teachers' approach to handwriting instruction in primary schools. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. Revue Canadienne D'Ergotherapie. 8417419832480
Cantin N, Ryan J, Polatajko HJ. (2014) Impact of task difficulty and motor ability on visual-motor task performance of children with and without developmental coordination disorder. Human Movement Science. 34: 217-32
Polatajko HJ, Cantin N. (2010) Exploring the effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions, other than the sensory integration approach, with children and adolescents experiencing difficulty processing and integrating sensory information. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy : Official Publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association. 64: 415-29
Cantin N, Polatajko HJ, Thach WT, et al. (2007) Developmental coordination disorder: exploration of a cerebellar hypothesis. Human Movement Science. 26: 491-509
Polatajko HJ, Cantin N. (2005) Developmental coordination disorder (dyspraxia): an overview of the state of the art. Seminars in Pediatric Neurology. 12: 250-8
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