Artur Llobet

"Artur Llobet"
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Martínez San Segundo P, Terni B, Burgueño J, et al. (2020) Outside-in regulation of the readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles by α2δ-1. Faseb Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology. 34: 1362-1377
Camarero N, Trapero A, Pérez-Jiménez A, et al. (2020) Photoswitchable dynasore analogs to control endocytosis with light Chemical Science. 11: 8981-8988
Terni B, Pacciolla P, Masanas H, et al. (2017) Tight temporal coupling between synaptic rewiring of olfactory glomeruli and the emergence of odor-guided behavior in Xenopus tadpoles. The Journal of Comparative Neurology
Terni B, López-Murcia FJ, Llobet A. (2016) Role of neuron-glia interactions in developmental synapse elimination. Brain Research Bulletin
López-Murcia FJ, Terni B, Llobet A. (2015) SPARC triggers a cell-autonomous program of synapse elimination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: 13366-71
Pedraza N, Ortiz R, Cornadó A, et al. (2014) KIS, a kinase associated with microtubule regulators, enhances translation of AMPA receptors and stimulates dendritic spine remodeling. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 13988-97
López-Murcia FJ, Royle SJ, Llobet A. (2014) Presynaptic clathrin levels are a limiting factor for synaptic transmission. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 8618-29
Nualart-Marti A, del Molino EM, Grandes X, et al. (2013) Role of connexin 32 hemichannels in the release of ATP from peripheral nerves. Glia. 61: 1976-89
Nevola L, Martín-Quirós A, Eckelt K, et al. (2013) Light-regulated stapled peptides to inhibit protein-protein interactions involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 52: 7704-8
Izquierdo-Serra M, Trauner D, Llobet A, et al. (2013) Optical modulation of neurotransmission using calcium photocurrents through the ion channel LiGluR. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 6: 3
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