Michele G. Alexander

The University of Maine, Orono, ME, United States 
Social Psychology, General Language
"Michele Alexander"
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Goodman JA, Alexander MG, Chizhik AW, et al. (2010) Indirect influence and divergent thinking as a function of member status and task structure in small groups European Journal of Social Psychology. 40: 1184-1199
Alexander MG, Chizhik AW, Chizhik EW, et al. (2009) Lower-status participation and influence: Task structure matters Journal of Social Issues. 65: 365-381
Goodman JA, Schell J, Alexander MG, et al. (2008) The impact of a derogatory remark on prejudice toward a gay male leader Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 38: 542-555
Alexander MG, Brewer MB, Livingston RW. (2005) Putting stereotype content in context: image theory and interethnic stereotypes. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 31: 781-94
Alexander MG, Levin S, Henry PJ. (2005) Image theory, social identity, and social dominance: Structural characteristics and individual motives underlying international images Political Psychology. 26: 27-45
Chizhik AW, Alexander MG, Chizhik EW, et al. (2003) The Rise and Fall of Power and Prestige Orders: Influence of Task Structure* Social Psychology Quarterly. 66: 303-317
Alexander MG, Brewer MB, Hermann RK. (1999) Images and affect: A functional analysis of out-group stereotypes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 77: 78-93
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