Robert F. Hoey

State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
Behavioral neuroscience
"Robert Hoey"
Mean distance: 18.27 (cluster 7)


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Mark B. Kristal grad student 2013 SUNY Buffalo
 (The Effect of Spinal Cord Transection on VCS-induced Fos Expression and Modulation of that Fos Expression by Amniotic Fluid Ingestion.)
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Rizzo RA, Neumann AM, King SO, et al. (2014) Parenting and concerns of pregnant women in buprenorphine treatment. McN. the American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing. 39: 319-24
Hoey RF, Hurley SW, Daniels D, et al. (2011) Effect of amniotic-fluid ingestion on vaginal-cervical-stimulation-induced Fos expression in female rats during estrus. Brain Research. 1376: 51-9
Neumann A, Hoey RF, Daigler LB, et al. (2009) Ingestion of amniotic fluid enhances the facilitative effect of VTA morphine on the onset of maternal behavior in virgin rats. Brain Research. 1261: 29-36
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