Megan C. Goslin, Ph.D.

2010 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
"Megan Goslin"
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Karen Bierman grad student 2010 Penn State
 (Pre-natal couple conflict and negative family environment across the transition to parenthood.)
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Goslin MC, Epstein C. (2024) Telehealth Delivery of the Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention is Associated With Reduced Posttraumatic Stress in Children and Caregivers. Child Maltreatment. 10775595241233230
Goslin MC, Stover CS, Berkowitz S, et al. (2013) Identifying youth at risk for difficulties following a traumatic event: Pre-event factors are associated with acute symptomatology Journal of Traumatic Stress. 26: 475-482
Brown LD, Goslin MC, Feinberg ME. (2012) Relating engagement to outcomes in prevention: the case of a parenting program for couples. American Journal of Community Psychology. 50: 17-25
Feinberg ME, Jones DE, Kan ML, et al. (2010) Effects of family foundations on parents and children: 3.5 years after baseline. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). 24: 532-42
Feinberg ME, Kan ML, Goslin MC. (2009) Enhancing coparenting, parenting, and child self-regulation: effects of family foundations 1 year after birth. Prevention Science : the Official Journal of the Society For Prevention Research. 10: 276-85
Azar ST, Reitz EB, Goslin MC. (2008) Mothering: Thinking is part of the job description: Application of cognitive views to understanding maladaptive parenting and doing intervention and prevention work Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 29: 295-304
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