Michaela T. Zint

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
Educational Psychology Education
"Michaela Zint"
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Buckley JB, Michel JO, Zint M, et al. (2023) A framework for graduate leadership education for sustainability guided by the SDGs. New Directions For Student Leadership. 2023: 43-57
Brundiers K, Barth M, Cebrián G, et al. (2020) Key competencies in sustainability in higher education - toward an agreed-upon reference framework Sustainability Science. 1-17
Zint M, Kraemer A, Kolenic G. (2014) Evaluating Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences: An exploration into the effects on participating students’ environmental stewardship characteristics and the relationships between these predictors of environmentally responsible behavior Studies in Educational Evaluation. 41: 4-17
Levy BLM, Zint MT. (2013) Toward fostering environmental political participation: framing an agenda for environmental education research Environmental Education Research. 19: 553-576
Kelly M, Little S, Phelps K, et al. (2012) Watershed Outreach Professionals’ Behavior Change Practices, Challenges, and Needs Applied Environmental Education & Communication. 11: 35-52
Zint MT, Dowd PF, Covitt BA. (2011) Enhancing environmental educators' evaluation competencies: insights from an examination of the effectiveness of the My Environmental Education Evaluation Resource Assistant (MEERA) website Environmental Education Research. 17: 471-497
Zint MT, Covitt BA, Dowd PF. (2011) Insights From an Evaluability Assessment of the U.S. Forest Service More Kids in the Woods Initiative The Journal of Environmental Education. 42: 255-271
Zint M. (2010) An introduction to My Environmental Education Evaluation Resource Assistant (MEERA), a web-based resource for self-directed learning about environmental education program evaluation Evaluation and Program Planning. 33: 178-179
Forbes CT, Zint M. (2010) Elementary Teachers’ Beliefs About, Perceived Competencies for, and Reported Use of Scientific Inquiry to Promote Student Learning About and for the Environment The Journal of Environmental Education. 42: 30-42
Duvall J, Zint M. (2007) A Review of Research on the Effectiveness of Environmental Education in Promoting Intergenerational Learning The Journal of Environmental Education. 38: 14-24
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