Ivan Kiss, PhD

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
"Ivan Kiss"
Mean distance: 15.09 (cluster 19)
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Kiss I, Shizgal P. (1990) Compound action potentials recorded in the ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, and periaqueductal gray following rewarding stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus in the rat Psychobiology. 18: 205-214
Kiss I, Shizgal P. (1989) Improved artifact rejection and isolation of compound action potentials by means of digital subtraction. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 30: 219-29
Bielajew C, Lapointe M, Kiss I, et al. (1982) Absolute and relative refractory periods of the substrates for lateral hypothalamic and ventral midbrain self-stimulation. Physiology & Behavior. 28: 125-32
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