Jianfei Guo

2015- Brown University, Providence, RI 
"Jianfei Guo"
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Guo J, Song JH. (2023) Reciprocal facilitation between mental and visuomotor rotations. Scientific Reports. 13: 825
Guo J, Song JH. (2019) Action Fluency Facilitates Perceptual Discrimination. Psychological Science. 956797619859361
Guo J, Zhang Z, Sternad D, et al. (2019) Improved motor timing enhances time perception Journal of Vision. 19: 218b
Guo J, Song J. (2017) Relation between action precision and perceptual discrimination Journal of Vision. 17: 463
Guo J, Song J. (2016) Ease of action toward a target enhances orientation discrimination during motor preparation Journal of Vision. 16: 266
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