David A. Santogrossi

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology
"David Santogrossi"
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la Greca AM, Santogrossi DA. (1980) Social skills training with elementary school students: A behavioral group approach Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 48: 220-227
Roberts MC, Meier RS, Santogrossi DA, et al. (1978) Relationship of Student Characteristics and Performance in a Personalized System of Instruction Course Teaching of Psychology. 5: 118-121
Santogrossi DA, Roberts MC. (1978) Student Variables Related to Rates of Pacing in Self-Paced Instruction Teaching of Psychology. 5: 30-33
Roberts MC, Santogrossi DA, Thelen MH. (1976) The Effects of Model Affect on Imitation Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 3: 75-78
Roberts MC, Santogrossi DA, Thelen MH. (1976) The effects of prior task experience in the modeling situation Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 21: 524-531
Levenkron J, Santogrossi DA, O'Leary D. (1974) Increasing academic performance through contingent access to tutoring Psychology in the Schools. 11: 201-207
Santogrossi DA, O'leary KD, Romanczyk RG, et al. (1973) Self-evaluation by adolescents in a psychiatric hospital school token program. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 6: 277-87
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