Santiago Yubero

Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha (Spain) 
Reading Education, Behavioral Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
"Santiago Yubero"
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Navarro R, Larrañaga E, Yubero S, et al. (2024) Preschool Aggression and Victimization: A Short-Term Longitudinal Analysis of the Immediate Social Environment. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. 17: 827-851
Rodríguez-Álvarez JM, Yubero S, Navarro R, et al. (2021) Relationship between Socio-Emotional Competencies and the Overlap of Bullying and Cyberbullying Behaviors in Primary School Students. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education. 11: 686-696
Navarro R, Larrañaga E, Yubero S, et al. (2020) Psychological Correlates of Ghosting and Breadcrumbing Experiences: A Preliminary Study among Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17
Víllora B, Larrañaga E, Yubero S, et al. (2020) Relations among Poly-Bullying Victimization, Subjective Well-Being and Resilience in a Sample of Late Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17
Lascorz A, Yubero S, Larrañaga E. (2020) Subtle Psychological Violence and Couple Satisfaction among University Students Open Journal of Social Sciences. 8: 364-382
Víllora B, Yubero S, Navarro R. (2020) Subjective well-being among victimized university students: comparison between cyber dating abuse and bullying victimization. Information Technology & People
Víllora B, Navarro R, Yubero S. (2019) The Role of Social-Interpersonal and Cognitive-Individual Factors in Cyber Dating Victimization and Perpetration: Comparing the Direct, Control, and Combined Forms of Abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260519851172
Villora B, Yubero S, Navarro R. (2019) Associations between Feminine Gender Norms and Cyber Dating Abuse in Female Adults. Behavioral Sciences (Basel, Switzerland). 9
Villora B, Yubero S, Navarro R. (2019) Cyber Dating Abuse and Masculine Gender Norms in a Sample of Male Adults Future Internet. 11: 84
Villora B, Yubero S, Navarro R. (2019) Abuso online en el noviazgo y su relación con el abuso del móvil, la aceptación de la violencia y los mitos sobre el amor Suma PsicolóGica. 26: 46-54
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