Gary A. Ballinger, Ph.D.

2004 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
"Gary Ballinger"
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F David Schoorman grad student 2004 Purdue
 (The impact of leadership succession on individuals in work groups.)
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Heaphy ED, Byron K, Ballinger GA, et al. (2018) Introduction to Special Topic Forum: The Changing Nature of Work Relationships Academy of Management Review. 43: 558-569
Rockmann KW, Ballinger GA. (2017) Intrinsic Motivation and Organizational Identification Among On-Demand Workers. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Marcel JJ, Cowen AP, Ballinger GA. (2017) Are Disruptive CEO Successions Viewed as a Governance Lapse? Evidence From Board Turnover Journal of Management. 43: 149206313503011
Ballinger GA, Cross R, Holtom BC. (2016) The right friends in the right places: Understanding network structure as a predictor of voluntary turnover. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 101: 535-48
Ballinger GA, Rockmann KW. (2010) Chutes Versus Ladders: Anchoring Events and a Punctuated-Equilibrium Perspective on Social Exchange Relationships Academy of Management Review. 35: 373-391
Ballinger GA, Lehman DW, Schoorman FD. (2010) Leader-member exchange and turnover before and after succession events Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 113: 25-36
Ballinger GA, Marcel JJ. (2010) The use of an interim CEO during succession episodes and firm performance Southern Medical Journal. 31: 262-283
Ballinger GA, Schoorman FD, Lehman DW. (2009) Will you trust your new boss? The role of affective reactions to leadership succession☆ Leadership Quarterly. 20: 219-232
Ballinger GA, Schoorman FD. (2007) Individual Reactions to Leadership Succession in Workgroups Academy of Management Review. 32: 118-136
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