Kenjiro Miki

University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States 
"Kenjiro Miki"
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Miki K, Zhou QQ, Guo W, et al. (2002) Changes in gene expression and neuronal phenotype in brain stem pain modulatory circuitry after inflammation. Journal of Neurophysiology. 87: 750-60
Miki K, Iwata K, Tsuboi Y, et al. (2000) Dorsal column-thalamic pathway is involved in thalamic hyperexcitability following peripheral nerve injury: A lesion study in rats with experimental mononeuropathy Pain. 85: 263-271
Miki K, Iwata K, Tsuboi Y, et al. (1998) Responses of dorsal column nuclei neurons in rats with experimental mononeuropathy. Pain. 76: 407-15
Noguchi K, Kawai Y, Fukuoka T, et al. (1995) Substance P induced by peripheral nerve injury in primary afferent sensory neurons and its effect on dorsal column nucleus neurons Journal of Neuroscience. 15: 7633-7643
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