Walter G. Stephan
Affiliations: | New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, United States |
Social PsychologyGoogle:
"Walter Stephan"Mean distance: 106866
Sign in to add traineemelvin L. Snyder | grad student | 1976-1979 | UT Austin |
William Morris Bernstein | post-doc | 1981-1981 | New Mexico State University, Las Cruces |
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Mealy M, Stephan WG, Mhaka-Mutepfa M, et al. (2015) Interpersonal Trust in Ecuador, the United States, and Zimbabwe Cross-Cultural Research. 49: 393-421 |
Rosenfield D, Stephan WG. (2012) When discounting fails: An unexpected finding. Memory & Cognition. 5: 97-102 |
Berrenberg JL, Finlay KA, Stephan WG, et al. (2007) Prejudice Toward People With Cancer or AIDS: Applying the Integrated Threat Model Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research. 7: 75-86 |
Mealy M, Stephan W, Urrutia IC. (2007) The acceptability of lies: A comparison of Ecuadorians and Euro-Americans International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 31: 689-702 |
Stephan WG. (2006) Bridging the Researcher‐Practitioner Divide in Intergroup Relations Journal of Social Issues. 62: 597-605 |
Bromgard G, Stephan WG. (2006) Responses to the Stigmatized: Disjunctions in Affect, Cognitions, and Behavior Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 36: 2436-2448 |
Renfro CL, Duran A, Stephan WG, et al. (2006) The Role of Threat in Attitudes Toward Affirmative Action and Its Beneficiaries1 Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 36: 41-74 |
Stephan WG, Renfro CL, Esses VM, et al. (2005) The effects of feeling threatened on attitudes toward immigrants. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 29: 1-19 |
Ybarra O, Stephan WG, Schaberg L, et al. (2003) Beliefs About the Disconfirmability of Stereotypes: The Stereotype Disconfirmability Effect1 Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 33: 2630-2646 |
Stephan WG, Boniecki KA, Ybarra O, et al. (2002) The Role of Threats in the Racial Attitudes of Blacks and Whites Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 28: 1242-1254 |