Alf Gabrielsson

Psychology Uppsala University, Uppsala, Uppsala län, Sweden 
"Alf Gabrielsson"
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Gabrielsson A, Wik SL. (2003) Strong Experiences Related to Music: Adescriptive System Musicae Scientiae. 7: 157-217
Gabrielsson A. (2002) Old people's remembrance of strong experiences related to music Psychomusicology: a Journal of Research in Music Cognition. 18: 103-122
Gabrielsson A. (2001) Emotion perceived and emotion felt: Same or different? Musicae Scientiae. 5: 123-147
Laukka P, Gabrielsson A. (2000) Emotional expression in drumming performance Psychology of Music. 28: 181-189
Ovegård A, Lundberg G, Hagerman B, et al. (1997) Sound quality judgment during acclimatization of hearing aid. Scandinavian Audiology. 26: 43-51
Gabrielsson A, Juslin PN. (1996) Emotional expression in music performance: Between the performer's intention and the listener's experience Psychology of Music. 24: 68-91
Gabrielsson A. (1996) Acoustic correlates of emotionally expressive music Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 100: 2778-2778
Gabrielsson A, Lindström E. (1995) Emotional expression in synthesizer and sentograph performance. Psychomusicology: a Journal of Research in Music Cognition. 14: 94-116
Lundberg G, Ovegård A, Hagerman B, et al. (1992) Perceived sound quality in a hearing aid with vented and closed earmould equalized in frequency response. Scandinavian Audiology. 21: 87-92
Gabrielsson A, Lindström B, Till O. (1991) Loudspeaker frequency response and perceived sound quality Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 90: 707-719
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