Dheeraj Sharma, D.B.A.

2006 Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
"Dheeraj Sharma"
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Bruce Alford grad student 2006 Louisiana Tech University
 (An exploratory study of the influence of life management strategies on job satisfaction and job performance in a personal selling context.)
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Patel SS, Pandey SK, Sharma D. (2019) Revisiting the relevance debate empirically: Historical roots and modern shoots Australasian Marketing Journal (Amj). 27: 273-283
Shaikh A, Sharma D, Vijayalakshmi A, et al. (2018) Fairness in franchisor–franchisee relationship: an integrative perspective Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing. 33: 550-562
Sharma D, Pandey SK, Chandwani R, et al. (2018) Internet Channel Cannibalization and its influence on salesperson performance outcomes in an emerging economy context Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 45: 179-189
Singh DP, Sharma D. (2015) Indian consumer style inventory and its role in predicting Indian mall patronage intention International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets. 7: 203-218
Sardeshmukh SR, Sharma D, Golden TD. (2012) Impact of telework on exhaustion and job engagement: A job demands and job resources model New Technology, Work and Employment. 27: 193-207
Borna S, Sharma D. (2011) How much trust should risk managers place on “Brownian motions” of financial markets? International Journal of Emerging Markets. 6: 7-16
Swimberghe KR, Sharma D, Flurry LW. (2011) Does a Consumer’s Religion Really Matter in the Buyer–Seller Dyad? An Empirical Study Examining the Relationship Between Consumer Religious Commitment, Christian Conservatism and the Ethical Judgment of a Seller’s Controversial Business Decision Journal of Business Ethics. 102: 581-598
Sharma D, Gassenheimer J, Alford B. (2010) Internet channel and cannibalization: An empirical assessment of sales agents' perspective Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 30: 209-221
Swimberghe K, Sharma D, Flurry L. (2009) An exploratory investigation of the consumer religious commitment and its influence on store loyalty and consumer complaint intentions Journal of Consumer Marketing. 26: 340-347
Sharma D, Gassenheimer JB. (2009) Internet channel and perceived cannibalization European Journal of Marketing. 43: 1076-1091
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