Jay J. Jin, Ph.D.

2010 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Cell Biology, Neurobiology Biology
"Jay Jin"
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Robert Levenson grad student 2010 Penn State
 (An analysis of the mu opioid receptor and GPR177 interaction: implications for opioid addiction.)
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Jaremko KM, Thompson NL, Reyes BA, et al. (2014) Morphine-induced trafficking of a mu-opioid receptor interacting protein in rat locus coeruleus neurons. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 50: 53-65
Petko J, Justice-Bitner S, Jin J, et al. (2013) MOR is not enough: identification of novel mu-opioid receptor interacting proteins using traditional and modified membrane yeast two-hybrid screens. Plos One. 8: e67608
Petko J, Justice-Bitner S, Jin J, et al. (2013) MORIP expression in brain regions of morphine-treated mice. Plos One
Jin J, Morse M, Frey C, et al. (2010) Expression of GPR177 (Wntless/Evi/Sprinter), a highly conserved Wnt-transport protein, in rat tissues, zebrafish embryos, and cultured human cells. Developmental Dynamics : An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 239: 2426-34
Jin J, Kittanakom S, Wong V, et al. (2010) Interaction of the mu-opioid receptor with GPR177 (Wntless) inhibits Wnt secretion: potential implications for opioid dependence. Bmc Neuroscience. 11: 33
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