Raymond Buriel

The Claremont Graduate University 
Educational Psychology Education, Social Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Secondary Education
"Raymond Buriel"
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Villanueva CM, Buriel R. (2010) Speaking on behalf of others: A qualitative study of the perceptions and feelings of adolescent Latina language brokers Journal of Social Issues. 66: 197-210
Love JA, Buriel R. (2007) Language brokering, autonomy, parent-child bonding, biculturalism, and depression: A study of Mexican American adolescents from immigrant families Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 29: 472-491
Parke RD, Coltrane S, Duffy S, et al. (2004) Economic stress, parenting, and child adjustment in Mexican American and European American families. Child Development. 75: 1632-56
Buriel R, Hurtado-Ortiz MT. (2000) Child Care Practices and Preferences of Native- and Foreign-Born Latina Mothers and Euro-American Mothers: Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 22: 314-331
Buriel R, Perez W, De Ment TL, et al. (1998) The relationship of language brokering to academic performance, biculturalism, and self-efficacy among Latino adolescents Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 20: 283-297
Buriel R. (1993) Childrearing orientations in Mexican American families: the influence of generation and sociocultural factors Journal of Marriage and Family. 55: 987-1000
Buriel R. (1993) Acculturation, Respect for Cultural Differences, and Biculturalism Among Three Generations of Mexican American and Euro American School Children Journal of Genetic Psychology. 154: 531-543
Buriel R, Mercado R, Rodriguez J, et al. (1991) Mexican-American Disciplinary Practices and Attitudes Toward Child Maltreatment: A Comparison of Foreign-and Native-Born Mothers Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 13: 78-94
Harrison AO, Wilson MN, Pine CJ, et al. (1990) Family Ecologies of Ethnic Minority Children. Child Development. 61: 347-362
Rueschenberg E, Buriel R. (1989) Mexican American Family Functioning and Acculturation: A Family Systems Perspective: Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 11: 232-244
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