Scott H. Hemenover

Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, United States 
Personality Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
"Scott Hemenover"
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Hemenover SH, Harbke CR. (2019) Individual differences in negative affect repair style Motivation and Emotion. 43: 517-533
Hemenover SH, Harbke CR. (2017) Individual differences in forecast effectiveness of 5 negative affect repair strategies Personality and Individual Differences. 114: 175-180
Augustine AA, Hemenover SH, Larsen RJ, et al. (2010) Composition and consistency of the desired affective state: The role of personality and motivation. Motivation and Emotion. 34: 133-143
Hemenover SH, Augustine AA, Shulman T, et al. (2008) Individual differences in negative affect repair. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 8: 468-78
Hemenover SH. (2003) Individual differences in rate of affect change: studies in affective chronometry. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 85: 121-31
Hemenover SH, Dienstbier RA. (1998) Prediction of health patterns from general appraisal, attributions, coping, and trait anxiety Motivation and Emotion. 22: 231-253
Hemenover SH, Dienstbier RA. (1996) The effects of an appraisal manipulation: Affect, intrusive cognitions, and performance for two cognitive tasks Motivation and Emotion. 20: 319-340
Hemenover SH, Dienstbier RA. (1996) Prediction of stress appraisals from mastery, extraversion, neuroticism, and general appraisal tendencies Motivation and Emotion. 20: 299-317
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