Elizabeth C. Pinel
Affiliations: | Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States |
Social PsychologyGoogle:
"Elizabeth Pinel"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add traineeAnson E. Long | grad student | Penn State | |
Geneva C. Yawger | grad student | 2015- | University of Vermont |
Erin Q. Murdoch | grad student | 2006 | Penn State |
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Gehman RM, Pinel EC, Johnson LC, et al. (2022) Emerging Ideas. A ripple effect: Does I-sharing with a stranger promote compromise in cohabiting couples? Family Relations. 72: 794-801 |
Long AE, Pinel EC, Daily JR, et al. (2021) Existential isolation and the struggle for belief validation. The British Journal of Social Psychology |
Park YC, Pinel EC. (2020) Existential isolation and cultural orientation Personality and Individual Differences. 159: 109891 |
Pinel EC, Bronson CA, Zapata JP, et al. (2019) I-sharing after a gender status threat and its implications for attitudes toward gay men. Psychology of Men & Masculinities. 20: 299-309 |
Pinel EC, Long AE, Johnson LC, et al. (2018) More About When I's Meet: The Intergroup Ramifications of I-Sharing, Part II. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167218771901 |
Pinel EC. (2018) Existential isolation and I-sharing: Interpersonal and intergroup implications. Current Opinion in Psychology. 23: 84-87 |
Pinel EC, Yawger GC, Long AE, et al. (2017) Human like me: Evidence that I-sharing humanizes the otherwise dehumanized. The British Journal of Social Psychology. 56: 689-704 |
Pinel EC, Long AE, Murdoch EQ, et al. (2017) A prisoner of one's own mind: Identifying and understanding existential isolation Personality and Individual Differences. 105: 54-63 |
Long AE, Pinel EC, Yawger GC. (2016) When Shared Group Membership Signifies Shared Subjective Experience: I-sharing and the Minimal Group Paradigm. The Journal of Social Psychology |
Huneke M, Pinel EC. (2016) Fostering selflessness through I-sharing Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 63: 10-18 |