David Brinberg

Marketing Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology, Public Health
"David Brinberg"
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Zemack-Rugar Y, Corus C, Brinberg D. (2019) The Academic Response-to-Failure Scale: Predicting and Increasing Academic Persistence Post-Failure: Journal of Marketing Education. 27347531982662
Zemack-Rugar Y, Corus C, Brinberg D. (2019) If at First You Do Succeed, Do You Try, Try Again? Developing the Persistence–Licensing Response Measure to Understand, Predict, and Modify Behavior Following Subgoal Success: Journal of Marketing Research. 56: 324-344
Hamby A, Brinberg D. (2016) Happily Ever After: How Ending Valence Influences Narrative Persuasion in Cautionary Stories Journal of Advertising. 45: 498-508
Zemack-Rugar Y, Corus C, Brinberg D. (2012) The “Response-to-Failure” Scale: Predicting Behavior Following Initial Self-Control Failure Journal of Marketing Research. 49: 996-1014
Peter PC, Brinberg D. (2012) Learning Emotional Intelligence: An Exploratory Study in the Domain of Health Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 42: 1394-1414
Hampton B, Brinberg D, Peter P, et al. (2009) Integrating the Unified Theory and Stages of Change to Create Targeted Health Messages Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 39: 449-471
Kidwell B, Brinberg D, Turrisi R. (2003) Determinants of Money Management Behavior Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 33: 1244-1260
Bodur HO, Brinberg D, Coupey E. (2000) Belief, Affect, and Attitude: Alternative Models of the Determinants of Attitude Journal of Consumer Psychology. 9: 17-28
Brinberg D, Lynch JG, Sawyer AG. (1992) Hypothesized and Confounded Explanations in Theory Tests: A Bayesian Analysis Journal of Consumer Research. 19: 139-154
Axelson ML, Brinberg D. (1992) The measurement and conceptualization of nutrition knowledge Journal of Nutrition Education. 24: 239-246
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