Heidi Swanson, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2010 | University of New Brunswick (Canada) |
Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Limnology BiologyGoogle:
"Heidi Swanson"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorKaren Kidd | grad student | 2010 | University of New Brunswick (Canada) | |
(Interactions of fish ecology, life history, food web structure, and mercury bioaccumulation in coastal Arctic lakes.) |
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Aqdam MM, Baltzer JL, Branfireun BA, et al. (2025) Factors and mechanisms driving among-lake variability of mercury concentrations in a benthivorous fish in the canadian subarctic. Chemosphere. 372: 144078 |
Aqdam MM, Baltzer JL, Branfireun BA, et al. (2024) Can remotely sensed catchment to lake area ratios predict mercury levels in subarctic fishes? Environmental Research. 260: 119545 |
Smith R, Hitkolok E, Loewen T, et al. (2024) Migration timing and marine space use of an anadromous Arctic fish (Arctic Char, Salvelinus alpinus) revealed by local spatial statistics and network analysis. Movement Ecology. 12: 12 |
Packull-McCormick S, Cowan A, Stark KD, et al. (2023) Mercury bioaccessiblity in freshwater fish species from northern Canada. The Science of the Total Environment. 165624 |
Laske SM, Burke SM, Carey MP, et al. (2022) Investigating effects of climate-induced changes in water temperature and diet on mercury concentrations in an Arctic freshwater forage fish. Environmental Research. 218: 114851 |
Moslemi-Aqdam M, Low G, Low M, et al. (2022) Estimates, spatial variability, and environmental drivers of mercury biomagnification rates through lake food webs in the Canadian subarctic. Environmental Research. 217: 114835 |
Hilgendag IR, Swanson HK, Lewis CW, et al. (2022) Mercury biomagnification in benthic, pelagic, and benthopelagic food webs in an Arctic marine ecosystem. The Science of the Total Environment. 156424 |
Smith R, Hitkolok E, Loewen T, et al. (2022) Overwintering ecology and movement of anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) in a large, ice-covered river in the Canadian Arctic. Journal of Fish Biology |
Moslemi-Aqdam M, Baker LF, Baltzer JL, et al. (2022) Understanding among-lake variability of mercury concentrations in Northern Pike (Esox lucius): A whole-ecosystem study in subarctic lakes. The Science of the Total Environment. 153430 |
Ehrman A, Hoover C, Giraldo C, et al. (2021) A meta-collection of nitrogen stable isotope data measured in Arctic marine organisms from the Canadian Beaufort Sea, 1983-2013. Bmc Research Notes. 14: 347 |