Ali Brivanlou

Rockefeller University, New York, NY, United States 
neural development
"Ali Brivanlou"
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ARIEL LEVINE grad student Rockefeller
M Zeeshan Ozair grad student 2009-2015 Rockefeller
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De Santis R, Rice E, Croft G, et al. (2023) The emergence of human gastrulation upon in vitro attachment. Stem Cell Reports. 19: 41-53
Yoney A, Bai L, Brivanlou AH, et al. (2022) Mechanisms underlying WNT-mediated priming of human embryonic stem cells. Development (Cambridge, England). 149
Simunovic M, Siggia ED, Brivanlou AH. (2022) In vitro attachment and symmetry breaking of a human embryo model assembled from primed embryonic stem cells. Cell Stem Cell. 29: 962-972.e4
Piccolo FM, Kastan NR, Haremaki T, et al. (2022) Role of YAP in early ectodermal specification and a Huntington's Disease model of human neurulation. Elife. 11
De Santis R, Etoc F, Rosado-Olivieri EA, et al. (2021) Self-organization of human dorsal-ventral forebrain structures by light induced SHH. Nature Communications. 12: 6768
Valet M, Siggia ED, Brivanlou AH. (2021) Mechanical regulation of early vertebrate embryogenesis. Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology
Galgoczi S, Ruzo A, Markopoulos C, et al. (2021) Huntingtin CAG expansion impairs germ layer patterning in synthetic human 2D gastruloids through polarity defects. Development (Cambridge, England). 148
De Santis R, Brivanlou AH. (2021) The treasure inside human naive pluripotency, generation of trophectoderm and blastoids. Cell Stem Cell. 28: 985-987
Clark AT, Brivanlou A, Fu J, et al. (2021) Human embryo research, stem cell-derived embryo models and in vitro gametogenesis: Considerations leading to the revised ISSCR guidelines. Stem Cell Reports
Yang M, Rito T, Metzger J, et al. (2021) Depletion of aneuploid cells in human embryos and gastruloids. Nature Cell Biology. 23: 314-321
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