Colby B. Jubenville

Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN, United States 
Physical Education, Recreation, Behavioral Psychology
"Colby Jubenville"
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Anshel MH, Sutarso T, Jubenville C. (2009) Racial and gender differences on sources of acute stress and coping style among competitive athletes. The Journal of Social Psychology. 149: 159-77
Johnson GR, Jubenville C, Goss B. (2009) Using Institutional Selection Factors to Develop Recruiting Profiles: Marketing Small, Private Colleges and Universities to Prospective Student Athletes Journal of Marketing For Higher Education. 19: 1-25
Goss BD, Jubenville CB, Orejan J. (2006) An Examination of Influences and Factors on the Institutional Selection Processes of Freshmen Student-Athletes at Small Colleges and Universities. Journal of Marketing For Higher Education. 16: 105-134
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