Michelle C. Bligh
Affiliations: | The Claremont Graduate University |
Social Psychology, General Business AdministrationGoogle:
"Michelle Bligh"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add traineeMelissa K. Carsten | grad student | 2006 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Kellan M. London | grad student | 2006 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Melissa Lewis-Duarte | grad student | 2009 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Wendy O'Connell | grad student | 2009 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Nora I. Abdoun | grad student | 2011 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Elizabeth S. Chamberlin | grad student | 2013 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Agi Horspool | grad student | 2013 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Rena R. Yi | grad student | 2013 | The Claremont Graduate University |
Sheilesha Willis | grad student | 2014 | The Claremont Graduate University |
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Lau VW, Bligh MC, Kohles JC. (2020) Leadership as a Reflection of Who We Are: Social Identity, Media Portrayal, and Evaluations of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Sex Roles. 82: 1-16 |
Gatti P, Bligh MC, Cortese CG. (2019) When a leader job resource can be ambivalent or even destructive: Independence at work as a double-edged sword. Plos One. 14: e0217482 |
Carsten MK, Bligh MC, Kohles JC, et al. (2019) A follower-centric approach to the 2016 US presidential election: Candidate rhetoric and follower attributions of charisma and effectiveness: Leadership. 15: 179-204 |
Babalola MT, Bligh MC, Ogunfowora B, et al. (2019) The Mind is Willing, but the Situation Constrains: Why and When Leader Conscientiousness Relates to Ethical Leadership Journal of Business Ethics. 155: 75-89 |
Ito A, Bligh MC. (2016) Feeling Vulnerable? Disclosure of Vulnerability in the Charismatic Leadership Relationship Journal of Leadership Studies. 10: 66-70 |
Fausing MS, Joensson TS, Lewandowski J, et al. (2015) Antecedents of shared leadership: empowering leadership and interdependence Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 36: 271-291 |
Bligh MC, Kohles JC. (2014) Comparing leaders across contexts, culture, and time: Computerized content analysis of leader–follower communications Leadership. 10: 142-159 |
Kohles JC, Bligh MC, Carsten MK. (2013) The vision integration process: Applying Rogers’ diffusion of innovations theory to leader–follower communications: Leadership. 9: 466-485 |
Schroedel J, Bligh M, Merolla J, et al. (2013) Charismatic Rhetoric in the 2008 Presidential Campaign: Commonalities and Differences Presidential Studies Quarterly. 43: 101-128 |
Fausing MS, Jeppesen HJ, Jønsson TS, et al. (2013) Moderators of shared leadership: work function and team autonomy Team Performance Management. 19: 244-262 |