Jingbing Xue

Harvard Medical School / Eaton Peabody Lab, Boston, MA, United States 
Inner Ear Biophysics
"Jingbing Xue"
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Kalluri R, Xue J, Eatock RA. (2010) Ion channels set spike timing regularity of mammalian vestibular afferent neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104: 2034-51
Eatock RA, Xue J, Kalluri R. (2008) Ion channels in mammalian vestibular afferents may set regularity of firing. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 211: 1764-74
Li A, Xue J, Peterson EH. (2008) Architecture of the mouse utricle: Macular organization and hair bundle heights Journal of Neurophysiology. 99: 718-733
Xue J, Peterson EH. (2006) Hair bundle heights in the utricle: differences between macular locations and hair cell types. Journal of Neurophysiology. 95: 171-86
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