Jennifer M. Gumm, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2008 | Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, United States |
General Biology, Ecology BiologyGoogle:
"Jennifer Gumm"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorMurray Itzkowitz | grad student | 2008 | Lehigh University | |
(Sexual selection and alternative reproductive tactics in Cyprinodon elegans.) |
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Becher C, Gumm JM. (2018) The roles of inter- and intra-sexual selection in behavioral isolation between native and invasive pupfishes. Current Zoology. 64: 135-144 |
Mendelson TC, Gumm JM, Martin MD, et al. (2017) Preference for conspecifics evolves earlier in males than females in a sexually dimorphic radiation of fishes. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution |
Roberts NS, Gumm JM, Mendelson TC. (2017) Darter (Percidae: Etheostoma) species differ in their response to video stimuli Animal Behaviour. 131: 107-114 |
Drew JA, Gumm JM. (2015) Learning and behavior in reef fish: Fuel for microevolutionary change? Ethology. 121: 2-7 |
Ciccotto PJ, Gumm JM, Mendelson TC. (2014) No evidence for color or size preference in either sex of a dichromatic stream fish, Percina roanoka Environmental Biology of Fishes. 97: 187-195 |
Black A, Imhoff V, Leese J, et al. (2014) Attack intensity by two species of territorial damselfish (Pomacentridae) as estimates of competitive overlap with two species of wrasse (Labridae) Journal of Ethology. 32: 63-68 |
Ciccotto PJ, Gumm JM, Mendelson TC. (2013) Male association preference for conspecifics in the redband darter, Etheostoma luteovinctum (Teleostei: Percidae) based on visual cues Copeia. 154-159 |
Williams TH, Gumm JM, Mendelson TC. (2013) Sexual selection acting on a speciation trait in darters (Percidae: Etheostoma) Behavioral Ecology. 24: 1407-1414 |
Gumm JM, Loew ER, Mendelson TC. (2012) Differences in spectral sensitivity within and among species of darters (genus Etheostoma). Vision Research. 55: 19-23 |
Gumm JM. (2012) Sex recognition of female-like sneaker males in the Comanche Springs pupfish, Cyprinodon elegans Animal Behaviour. 83: 1421-1426 |