Isa Marte Hussaini

1987-1991 Ahmadu Bello University 
 1991-1992 National Institute for Pharmaceutical Development, Nigeria  
 1992-2010 University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA, United States 
 2010- University of Maiduguri 
Cell Biology, Pathology, Oncology
"Isa Hussaini"

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Cross-listing: Cell Biology Tree - Chemistry Tree


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Philip Keith Moore grad student 1987 King's College (Chemistry Tree)
Steven L. Gonias post-doc 1987-1990 UVA School of Medicine


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Zachary A. Kohutek grad student 2009 UVA (Cell Biology Tree)
Charles G. diPierro grad student 2011 UVA (Cell Biology Tree)
Barbara C. Merk grad student 2011 UVA (Cell Biology Tree)
Patrick M. Martin post-doc 2005 UVA (Cell Biology Tree)
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Ngulde SI, Sandabe UK, Abounader R, et al. (2020) Activities of Some Medicinal Plants on the Proliferation and Invasion of Brain Tumor Cell Lines. Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2020: 3626879
Ngulde SI, Sandabe UK, Abounader R, et al. (2019) Ethanol Extract of Induces Apoptosis in Brain Tumor (U87) Cells. Biomed Research International. 2019: 9826590
Ayanwuyi LO, Kwanashie HO, Hussaini IM, et al. (2016) PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON THE BEHAVIOURAL EFFECTS OF THE METHANOL EXTRACT OF LEONOTIS NEPETIFOLIA LINN STEM IN MICE. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines : Ajtcam. 13: 15-21
Malami S, Kyari H, Danjuma NM, et al. (2016) Anticonvulsant properties of methanol leaf extract of Laggera Aurita Linn. F. (Asteraceae) in laboratory animals. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 191: 301-306
Magaji MG, Musa AM, Abdullahi MI, et al. (2015) Isolation of bergenin from the root bark of Securinega virosa and evaluation of its potential sleep promoting effect. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine. 5: 587-96
Ngulde SI, Fezeu F, Ramesh A, et al. (2015) Improving Brain Tumor Research in Resource-Limited Countries: A Review of the Literature Focusing on West Africa. CurēUs. 7: e372
Elagib KE, Xiao M, Hussaini IM, et al. (2015) Erratum for Elagib et al., Jun Blockade of Erythropoiesis: Role for Repression of GATA-1 by HERP2. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 35: 2215
Hussaini I, Iliya I, Audu B. (2015) Atps-36Ethnomedical Survey And Scientific Validation Of Anticancer Activities Of Some Nigerian Herbal Plants. Neuro-Oncology. 17
Magaji MG, Yakubu Y, Magaji RA, et al. (2014) Psychopharmacological potentials of methanol leaf extract of Securinega virosa Roxb (Ex Willd) Baill. in mice. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences : Pjbs. 17: 855-9
Magaji MG, Mohammed M, Magaji RA, et al. (2014) Evaluation of the antipsychotic potential of aqueous fraction of Securinega virosa root bark extract in mice. Metabolic Brain Disease. 29: 161-5
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