Don H. Johnson
Affiliations: | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Rice University, Houston, TX |
"Don Johnson"Mean distance: 16.44 (cluster 17)
Sign in to add traineeSinan Sinanovic | grad student | 2006 | Rice University |
Mahsa Memarzadeh | grad student | 2007 | Rice University |
Christopher J. Rozell | grad student | 2000-2007 | Rice University |
Michael A. Lexa | grad student | 2008 | Rice University |
Ilan N. Goodman | grad student | 2010 | Rice University |
Courtney C. Lane | post-doc | Rice University |
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Dyer EL, Johnson DH, Baraniuk RG. (2010) Learning modular representations from global sparse coding networks Bmc Neuroscience. 11 |
Johnson DH, Johnson CR, Hendriks E. (2010) Signal processing and analyzing works of art Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 7798 |
Johnson DH. (2010) Information theory and neural information processing Ieee Transactions On Information Theory. 56: 653-666 |
Dyer EL, Duarte MF, Johnson DH, et al. (2010) Recovering spikes from noisy neuronal calcium signals via structured sparse approximation Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 6365: 604-611 |
Dyer EL, Johnson DH, Baraniuk RG. (2009) Sparse coding with population sketches Bmc Neuroscience. 10 |
Oweiss KG, Principe JC, Johnson DH. (2009) Editorial: Statistical signal processing in neuroscience Eurasip Journal On Advances in Signal Processing. 2009 |
Rozell CJ, Johnson DH, Baraniuk RG, et al. (2008) Sparse coding via thresholding and local competition in neural circuits. Neural Computation. 20: 2526-63 |
Johnson DH, Goodman IN. (2008) Inferring the capacity of the vector Poisson channel with a Bernoulli model. Network (Bristol, England). 19: 13-33 |
Gao L, Gardner WR, Robbins C, et al. (2008) Limits on Data Communication Along the Drillstring Using Acoustic Waves Spe Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering. 11: 141-146 |
Goodman IN, Johnson DH. (2008) Spike sorting should be biased for optimal neural control prostheses Bmc Neuroscience. 9 |