Rhonda Goldman

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
"Rhonda Goldman"
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Sherlow-Levin A, Shahar B, Goldman R, et al. (2024) Applying the Rupture Resolution Rating System to emotion-focused couple therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
Goldman R, Goldstein Z. (2022) Guiding task work in the context of an emotion-focused relationship. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Goldman R, Goldstein Z. (2022) Case formulation in emotion-focused therapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 78: 436-453
Wiesel I, Shahar B, Goldman RN, et al. (2020) Accuracy and Bias in Vulnerability Perceptions of Partners Undergoing Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples. Family Process
Goldman RN. (2017) Introduction to part II of the special issue on Emotion-Focused Therapy Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies. 16: 197-197
Goldman RN. (2017) Introduction to part 1 of the special issue on Emotion-Focused Therapy Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies. 16: 87-87
Goldman RN. (2017) Case formulation in emotion-focused therapy Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies. 16: 88-105
Goldman RN. (2017) The emotion-focused therapeutic relationship: Genuineness, warmth, and acceptance are not neutral: Comment on Gelso and Kanninen (2017). Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. 27: 350-358
Goldman RN, Greenberg L. (2013) Working with identity and self-soothing in Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples. Family Process. 52: 62-82
Goldman RN, Watson JC, Greenberg LS. (2011) Contrasting Two Clients in Emotion-Focused Therapy for Depression 2: The Case of "Eloise," "It's Like Opening the Windows and Letting the Fresh Air Come In" Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy. 7
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