Ronna Hertzano

University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States 
cochlear deveopment
"Ronna Hertzano"
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Milon B, Shulman ED, So KS, et al. (2021) A cell-type-specific atlas of the inner ear transcriptional response to acoustic trauma. Cell Reports. 36: 109758
Brownstein Z, Gulsuner S, Walsh T, et al. (2020) Spectrum of genes for inherited hearing loss in the Israeli Jewish population, including the novel human deafness gene ATOH1. Clinical Genetics. 98: 353-364
Kalra G, Milon B, Casella AM, et al. (2020) Biological insights from multi-omic analysis of 31 genomic risk loci for adult hearing difficulty. Plos Genetics. 16: e1009025
Matern MS, Milon B, Lipford EL, et al. (2020) GFI1 functions to repress neuronal gene expression in the developing inner ear hair cells. Development (Cambridge, England). 147
Hertzano R, Gwilliam K, Rose K, et al. (2020) Cell Type-Specific Expression Analysis of the Inner Ear: A Technical Report. The Laryngoscope
Sadler E, Ryals MM, May LA, et al. (2020) Cell-Specific Transcriptional Responses to Heat Shock in the Mouse Utricle Epithelium. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 14: 123
Kolla L, Kelly MC, Mann ZF, et al. (2020) Characterization of the development of the mouse cochlear epithelium at the single cell level. Nature Communications. 11: 2389
Engeln M, Song Y, Chandra R, et al. (2020) Individual differences in stereotypy and neuron subtype translatome with TrkB deletion. Molecular Psychiatry
Hertzano R, Lipford EL, Depireux D. (2020) Noise: Acoustic Trauma to the Inner Ear. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America. 53: 531-542
Brooks PM, Rose KP, Macrae ML, et al. (2020) Pou3f4-Expressing Otic Mesenchyme Cells Promote Spiral Ganglion Neuron Survival in the Postnatal Mouse Cochlea. The Journal of Comparative Neurology
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