Paul Donald Barnett, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | School of Molecular and Biomedical Science | University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia |
Visual system, Insect NeurophysiologyGoogle:
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O'Carroll DC, Barnett PD, Nordström K. (2012) Temporal and spatial adaptation of transient responses to local features. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 6: 74 |
O'Carroll DC, Barnett PD, Nordström K. (2011) Local and global responses of insect motion detectors to the spatial structure of natural scenes. Journal of Vision. 11: 20 |
O'Carroll DC, Barnett PD, Nordström K. (2011) Computational models reveal non-linearity in integration of local motion signals by insect motion detectors viewing natural scenes Proceedings of the 2011 7th International Conference On Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, Issnip 2011. 131-136 |
Barnett PD, Nordström K, O'Carroll DC. (2010) Motion adaptation and the velocity coding of natural scenes. Current Biology : Cb. 20: 994-9 |
Nordström K, Barnett PD, Moyer de Miguel IM, et al. (2008) Sexual dimorphism in the hoverfly motion vision pathway. Current Biology : Cb. 18: 661-7 |
Barnett PD, Nordström K, O'carroll DC. (2007) Retinotopic organization of small-field-target-detecting neurons in the insect visual system. Current Biology : Cb. 17: 569-78 |
Nordström K, Barnett PD, O'Carroll DC. (2006) Insect detection of small targets moving in visual clutter. Plos Biology. 4: e54 |