Benita A. Blachman
Affiliations: | Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States |
Reading Education, Educational Psychology EducationGoogle:
"Benita Blachman"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add traineeTeresa M. MacDonald | grad student | 2007 | Syracuse |
Kristen A. Munger | grad student | 2010 | Syracuse |
Angelique F. VanBoden | grad student | 2011 | Syracuse |
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Blachman BA, Schatschneider C, Fletcher JM, et al. (2014) Intensive Reading Remediation in Grade 2 or 3: Are There Effects a Decade Later? Journal of Educational Psychology. 106: 46-57 |
Munger KA, Blachman BA. (2013) Taking a "simple view" of the dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills as a predictor of multiple measures of third-grade reading comprehension Psychology in the Schools. 50: 722-737 |
Blachman BA, Tangel DM. (2009) Road to Reading: A Program for Preventing and Remediating Reading Difficulties. Education Review |
Shaywitz BA, Shaywitz SE, Blachman BA, et al. (2004) Development of left occipitotemporal systems for skilled reading in children after a phonologically- based intervention. Biological Psychiatry. 55: 926-33 |
Blachman BA, Schatschneider C, Fletcher JM, et al. (2004) Effects of intensive reading remediation for second and third graders and a 1-year foliow-up Journal of Educational Psychology. 96: 444-461 |
Blachman BA, Tangel DM, Ball EW, et al. (1999) Developing phonological awareness and word recognition skills: A two-year intervention with low-income, inner-city children Reading and Writing. 11: 239-273 |
Tangel DM, Blachman BA. (1995) Effect of Phoneme Awareness Instruction on the Invented Spelling of First-Grade Children: A One-Year Follow-Up. Journal of Literacy Research. 27: 153-185 |
Blachman BA. (1994) What We Have Learned From Longitudinal Studies of Phonological Processing and Reading, and Some Unanswered Questions A Response to Torgesen, Wagner, and Rashotte Journal of Learning Disabilities. 27: 287-291 |
Blachman BA, Ball EW, Black RS, et al. (1994) Kindergarten teachers develop phoneme awareness in low-income, inner-city classrooms Reading and Writing. 6: 1-18 |
Tangel DM, Blachman BA. (1992) Effect of Phoneme Awareness Instruction on Kindergarten Children's Invented Spelling: Journal of Literacy Research. 24: 233-261 |