David F. Feldon

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Educational Psychology Education
"David Feldon"
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Jie Chao grad student 2012 UVA
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Litson K, Blaney JM, Feldon DF. (2021) Understanding the Transient Nature of STEM Doctoral Students' Research Self-Efficacy Across Time: Considering the Role of Gender, Race, and First-Generation College Status. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 617060
Maher MA, Wofford AM, Roksa J, et al. (2020) Finding a Fit: Biological Science Doctoral Students' Selection of a Principal Investigator and Research Laboratory. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 19: ar31
Blaney JM, Kang J, Wofford AM, et al. (2020) Mentoring relationships between doctoral students and postdocs in the lab sciences Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education. 11: 263-279
Jeong S, Blaney JM, Feldon DF. (2019) Identifying Faculty and Peer Interaction Patterns of First-Year Biology Doctoral Students: A Latent Class Analysis. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 18: ar59
Feldon DF, Litson K, Jeong S, et al. (2019) Postdocs' lab engagement predicts trajectories of PhD students' skill development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Maher MA, Wofford AM, Roksa J, et al. (2019) Doctoral student experiences in biological sciences laboratory rotations Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education. 10: 69-82
Jeong S, Litson K, Blaney J, et al. (2019) Shifting Gears: Characteristics and Consequences of Latent Class Transitions in Doctoral Socialization Research in Higher Education. 1-27
Feldon DF, Callan G, Juth S, et al. (2019) Cognitive Load as Motivational Cost Educational Psychology Review. 31: 319-337
Feldon DF, Tofel-Grehl C. (2018) Phenomenography as a Foundation for Mixed Models Research American Behavioral Scientist. 62: 887-899
Chao J, Feldon DF, Cohoon JP. (2018) Dynamic Mental Model Construction: A Knowledge in Pieces-Based Explanation for Computing Students’ Erratic Performance on Recursion The Journal of the Learning Sciences. 27: 431-473
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