Carolyn H. Declerck

Medicine Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium) 
Social Psychology, Radiology
"Carolyn Declerck"
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Díaz-Gutiérrez P, Boone C, Vyas H, et al. (2024) Neural asymmetry in aligning with generous versus selfish descriptive norms in a charitable donation task. Scientific Reports. 14: 5793
Lambert B, Declerck CH, Boone C, et al. (2017) A functional MRI study on how oxytocin affects decision making in social dilemmas: Cooperate as long as it pays off, aggress only when you think you can win. Hormones and Behavior
Lambert B, Declerck CH, Emonds G, et al. (2017) Trust as commodity: social value orientation affects the neural substrates of learning to cooperate. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Declerck CH, Boone C, Kiyonari T. (2014) No place to hide: when shame causes proselfs to cooperate. The Journal of Social Psychology. 154: 74-88
Emonds G, Declerck CH, Boone C, et al. (2014) Establishing cooperation in a mixed-motive social dilemma. An fMRI study investigating the role of social value orientation and dispositional trust. Social Neuroscience. 9: 10-22
Declerck CH, Boone C, Kiyonari T. (2014) The effect of oxytocin on cooperation in a prisoner's dilemma depends on the social context and a person's social value orientation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 9: 802-9
Declerck CH, Boone C, Emonds G. (2013) When do people cooperate? The neuroeconomics of prosocial decision making. Brain and Cognition. 81: 95-117
Emonds G, Declerck CH, Boone C, et al. (2012) The cognitive demands on cooperation in social dilemmas: an fMRI study. Social Neuroscience. 7: 494-509
Emonds G, Declerck CH, Boone C, et al. (2011) Comparing the Neural Basis of Decision Making in Social Dilemmas of People With Different Social Value Orientations, a fMRI Study Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics. 4: 11-24
Declerck CH, Boone C, Kiyonari T. (2010) Oxytocin and cooperation under conditions of uncertainty: the modulating role of incentives and social information. Hormones and Behavior. 57: 368-74
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