Catherine D. Ennis
Affiliations: | Kinesiology | The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, United States |
Recreation, Middle School Education, Gender Studies, Social PsychologyGoogle:
"Catherine Ennis"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add traineeJerry W. Loflin | grad student | 2013 | The University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
Deockki Hong | grad student | 2014 | The University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
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Zhang T, Chen A, Ennis C. (2019) Elementary school students' naïve conceptions and misconceptions about energy in physical education context. Sport, Education and Society. 24: 25-37 |
Wang Y, Chen A, Schweighardt R, et al. (2019) The nature of learning tasks and knowledge acquisition:The role of cognitive engagement in physical education. European Physical Education Review. 25: 293-310 |
Chen A, Zhang T, Wells SL, et al. (2017) Impact of Teacher Value Orientations on Student Learning in Physical Education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education : Jtpe. 36: 152-161 |
Ennis CD. (2017) Educating Students for a Lifetime of Physical Activity: Enhancing Mindfulness, Motivation, and Meaning. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport. 1-10 |
Zhang T, Chen A, Yli-Piipari S, et al. (2016) Prior knowledge determines interest in learning in physical education: A structural growth model perspective Learning and Individual Differences. 51: 132-140 |
Ennis CD. (2015) Knowledge, transfer, and innovation in physical literacy curricula. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 4: 119-124 |
Pasco D, Ennis CD. (2015) Third Grade Students' Mental Models of Blood Circulation Related to Exercise. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 34: 76-92 |
Pasco D, Ennis CD. (2015) Third-grade students’ mental models of energy expenditure during exercise Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy. 20: 131-143 |
Zhang T, Chen A, Chen S, et al. (2014) Constructing cardiovascular fitness knowledge in physical education. European Physical Education Review. 20: 425-443 |
Ennis CD. (2014) What Goes Around Comes Around … Or Does It? Disrupting the Cycle of Traditional, Sport-Based Physical Education. Kinesiology Review (Champaign, Ill.). 3: 63-70 |