Sainath Suryanarayanan, Ph.D.

2009 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Entomology Biology, Zoology Biology
"Sainath Suryanarayanan"
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Robert L. Jeanne grad student 2009 UW Madison
 (Vibrational behavior in the social wasps with an emphasis on antennal drumming in Polistes fuscatus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae).)
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Suryanarayanan S. (2019) The Social Evolving: Sociogenomics on the Wings of Social Insects Host - Journal of History of Science and Technology. 13: 86-117
Suryanarayanan S. (2018) Undone Science: Social Movements, Mobilized Publics, and Industrial Transitions: Contemporary Sociology. 47: 329-331
Jandt JM, Suryanarayanan S, Hermanson JC, et al. (2017) Maternal and nourishment factors interact to influence offspring developmental trajectories in social wasps. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 284
Suryanarayanan S. (2015) Pesticides and pollinators: a context-sensitive policy approach. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 10: 149-155
Suryanarayanan S. (2013) Balancing Control and Complexity in Field Studies of Neonicotinoids and Honey Bee Health. Insects. 4: 153-67
Kleinman DL, Suryanarayanan S. (2013) Dying Bees and the Social Production of Ignorance Science Technology and Human Values. 38: 492-517
Jeanne RL, Suryanarayanan S. (2011) A new model for caste development in social wasps. Communicative & Integrative Biology. 4: 373-7
Suryanarayanan S, Hermanson JC, Jeanne RL. (2011) A mechanical signal biases caste development in a social wasp. Current Biology : Cb. 21: 231-5
Suryanarayanan S, Hantschel AE, Torres CG, et al. (2011) Changes in the temporal pattern of antennal drumming behavior across the Polistes fuscatus colony cycle (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) Insectes Sociaux. 58: 97-106
Suryanarayanan S, Jeanne RL. (2008) Antennal drumming, trophallaxis, and colony development in the social wasp Polistes fuscatus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Ethology. 114: 1201-1209
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