Steve Sutton

University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 
"Steve Sutton"
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Dichter GS, Tomarken AJ, Shelton RC, et al. (2004) Early- and late-onset startle modulation in unipolar depression. Psychophysiology. 41: 433-40
Essex MJ, Goldsmith HH, Smider NA, et al. (2003) Comparison of video- and EMG-based evaluations of the magnitude of children's emotion-modulated startle response. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers : a Journal of the Psychonomic Society, Inc. 35: 590-8
Sutton SK, Davidson RJ. (2000) Prefrontal brain electrical asymmetry predicts the evaluation of affective stimuli. Neuropsychologia. 38: 1723-33
Irwin W, Mock BJ, Sutton SK, et al. (1998) Ratings of Affective Stimulus Characteristics and Measures of Affective Reactivity Predict MR Signal Change in the Human Amygdala Neuroimage. 7: S908
Kalin NH, Davidson RJ, Irwin W, et al. (1997) Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of emotional processing in normal and depressed patients: effects of venlafaxine. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 58: 32-9
Sutton SK, Davidson RJ, Donzella B, et al. (1997) Manipulating affective state using extended picture presentations. Psychophysiology. 34: 217-26
Sutton SK, Davidson RJ. (1997) Prefrontal Brain Asymmetry: A Biological Substrate of the Behavioral Approach and Inhibition Systems Psychological Science. 8: 204-210
Sutton S, Larson C, Ward R, et al. (1996) The functional neuroanatomy of the appetitive and aversive motivation systems: Results from an FDG-PET study Neuroimage. 3: S240
Tomarken AJ, Sutton SK, Mineka S. (1995) Fear-relevant illusory correlations: what types of associations promote judgmental bias? Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 104: 312-26
Davidson RJ, Sutton SK. (1995) Affective neuroscience: the emergence of a discipline Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 5: 217-224
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