Mark Vergeer

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Visual Perception
"Mark Vergeer"
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Vergeer M, Mesik J, Baek Y, et al. (2018) Orientation-selective contrast adaptation measured with SSVEP. Journal of Vision. 18: 2
Vergeer M, Kogo N, Nikolaev AR, et al. (2018) EEG frequency tagging reveals higher order intermodulation components as: neural markers of learned holistic shape representations. Vision Research
Katyal S, Vergeer M, He S, et al. (2018) Conflict-sensitive neurons gate interocular suppression in human visual cortex. Scientific Reports. 8: 1239
Vergeer M, Mesik J, Baek Y, et al. (2017) Contrast adaptation reduces SSVEP amplitude Journal of Vision. 17: 485
Vergeer M, Moors P, Wagemans J, et al. (2016) Visible and invisible stimulus parts integrate into global object representations as revealed by combining monocular and binocular rivalry. Journal of Vision. 16: 14
Vergeer M, Wagemans J, van Ee R. (2016) Training of binocular rivalry suppression suggests stimulus-specific plasticity in monocular and binocular visual areas. Scientific Reports. 6: 25753
Vergeer M, Anstis S, van Lier R. (2015) Flexible color perception depending on the shape and positioning of achromatic contours. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 620
Vergeer M, van Ee R, Wagemans J. (2014) Feature-selectivity is common in perceptual suppression phenomena Journal of Vision. 14: 1250-1250
Vergeer M, Szumska I, Öğmen H, et al. (2013) Non-retinotopic, object-centered visual perceptual learning Journal of Vision. 13: 1088-1088
Anstis S, Vergeer M, Van Lier R. (2012) Looking at two paintings at once: Luminance edges can gate colors. I-Perception. 3: 515-8
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