Eleonora Russo, Ph.D.

BCCN - Heidelberg Mannheim 
attractor dynamics, Neural Phase Space Reconstruction, Prefrontal Cortex
"Eleonora Russo"
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Russo E, Becker N, Domanski APF, et al. (2024) Integration of rate and phase codes by hippocampal cell-assemblies supports flexible encoding of spatiotemporal context. Nature Communications. 15: 8880
Domanski APF, Kucewicz MT, Russo E, et al. (2023) Distinct hippocampal-prefrontal neural assemblies coordinate memory encoding, maintenance, and recall. Current Biology : Cb
Melbaum S, Russo E, Eriksson D, et al. (2022) Conserved structures of neural activity in sensorimotor cortex of freely moving rats allow cross-subject decoding. Nature Communications. 13: 7420
Winkelmeier L, Filosa C, Hartig R, et al. (2022) Striatal hub of dynamic and stabilized prediction coding in forebrain networks for olfactory reinforcement learning. Nature Communications. 13: 3305
Russo E, Ma T, Spanagel R, et al. (2021) Coordinated prefrontal state transition leads extinction of reward-seeking behaviors. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Oettl LL, Scheller M, Filosa C, et al. (2020) Phasic dopamine reinforces distinct striatal stimulus encoding in the olfactory tubercle driving dopaminergic reward prediction. Nature Communications. 11: 3460
Oboti L, Russo E, Tran T, et al. (2018) Amygdala Corticofugal Input Shapes Mitral Cell Responses in the Accessory Olfactory Bulb. Eneuro. 5
Russo E, Durstewitz D. (2017) Cell assemblies at multiple time scales with arbitrary lag constellations. Elife. 6
Russo E, Treves A. (2012) Cortical free-association dynamics: distinct phases of a latching network. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 85: 051920
Akrami A, Russo E, Treves A. (2012) Lateral thinking, from the Hopfield model to cortical dynamics. Brain Research. 1434: 4-16
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