Simon A. Dubé, PhD

2016-2022 Psychology Concordia University (Canada), Montreal, QC, Canada 
 2022- Kinsey Institute 
Psychology, Sexuality, Technology, Erobotics, and Space Sexology
"Simon Dubé"


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James G Pfaus grad student 2016-2018 Concordia University Montreal (Neurotree)
Aaron P. Johnson grad student 2019-2022 Concordia University Montreal (Neurotree)
David D. Vachon grad student 2019-2022 McGill (Neurotree)
Justin Garcia post-doc 2022- Kinsey Institute
Amanda Gesselman post-doc 2022- Kinsey Institute
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Dubé S, Anctil D. (2020) Foundations of Erobotics. International Journal of Social Robotics. 13: 1205-1233
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