Ben Delisle Burns, BA(Cantab), MRCS, LRCP,

Physiology McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
"Ben Burns"

(1915 - 2001)
Graduated from Cambridge University in 1915, and from University College Hospital Medical School in 1939. After WWII did operational research in North Africa, and later joined Sir G.Lindor Brown (himself Post-Doc with Charles S. Sherrington) at the National Institute for Medical Research in London, doing research on neuromuscular transmission. He joined McGill Physiology Dept. in 1950. In 1966 he returned to NIMR in UK to succeed W. Feldberg as Head of its Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology, and later (1976) became director of a research group at the University of Bristol. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of London (FRS) in 1966. He died in September 2001

Mean distance: 15.17 (cluster 6)
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Burns BD, Mandl G, Pritchard R, et al. (1969) The perception of briefly exposed point-sources of light. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 21: 299-311
Burns BD, Mandl G. (1968) A simple method for recording action potentials from single cells in the cerebral cortex of the cat. The Journal of Physiology. 198: 57passim-58p
BURNS BD, FRANK GB, SALMOIRAGHI G. (1955) The mechanism of after-discharges caused by veratrine in frog's skeletal muscles. British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy. 10: 363-70
BROWN GL, BURNS BD. (1949) A convenient nerve-muscle preparation from the gracilis of the cat. The Journal of Physiology. 108: Proc., 54
BROWN GL, BURNS BD. (1949) Fatigue and neuromuscular block in mammalian skeletal muscle. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 136: 182-95
Brown GL, Burns BD, Feldberg W. (1948) The effect of diisopropyl fluorophosphonate on neuromuscular transmission in cats. The Journal of Physiology. 107: 346-54
Brown GL, Bülbring E, Burns BD. (1948) The action of adrenaline on mammalian skeletal muscle. The Journal of Physiology. 107: 115-28
BROWN GL, BURNS BD, FEDLBERG W. (1947) The action of diisopropylfluorophosphonate on neuro-muscular transmission. The Journal of Physiology. 106: 36
BROWN GL, BULBRING E, BURNS BD. (1947) The effect of adrenaline upon striated muscle. The Journal of Physiology. 106: 15
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