Frances K. McSweeney, Ph.D.

Psychology Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Experimental Psychology, Behavior Analysis
"Frances McSweeney"
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McSweeney FK, Murphy ES. (2017) Understanding Operant Behavior: Still Experimental Analysis of the Three-Term Contingency. The Behavior Analyst. 40: 39-47
Rankin CH, Abrams T, Barry RJ, et al. (2009) Habituation revisited: an updated and revised description of the behavioral characteristics of habituation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 92: 135-8
McSweeney FK, Murphy ES. (2009) Sensitization and habituation regulate reinforcer effectiveness. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 92: 189-98
Murphy ES, McSweeney FK, Kowal BP, et al. (2006) Spontaneous recovery and dishabituation of ethanol-reinforced responding in alcohol-preferring rats. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 14: 471-82
McSweeney FK, Murphy ES, Kowal BP. (2005) Regulation of drug taking by sensitization and habituation. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 13: 163-84
McSweeney FK, Kowal BP, Murphy ES, et al. (2005) Stimulus change dis-habituates operant responding supported by water reinforcers. Behavioural Processes. 70: 235-46
McSweeney FK, Murphy ES, Kowal BP. (2005) McSweeney, Murphy, and Kowal: Reply to Branch (2005), Rowlett (2005), and Siegel (2005) Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 13: 194-199
McSweeney FK. (2004) Dynamic changes in reinforcer effectiveness: satiation and habituation have different implications for theory and practice. The Behavior Analyst / Maba. 27: 171-88
McSweeney FK, Swindell S, Murphy ES, et al. (2004) The relation of multiple-schedule behavioral contrast to deprivation, time in session, and within-session changes in responding. Learning & Behavior. 32: 190-201
McSweeney FK, Murphy ES, Kowal BP. (2004) Varying reinforcer duration produces behavioral interactions during multiple schedules. Behavioural Processes. 66: 83-100
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