Veronica Eisner

Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
"Veronica Eisner"
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Cartes-Saavedra B, Lagos D, Macuada J, et al. (2023) disease-causing mutants have domain-specific effects on mitochondrial ultrastructure and fusion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2207471120
Morris S, Molina-Riquelme I, Barrientos G, et al. (2022) Inner mitochondrial membrane structure and fusion dynamics are altered in senescent human iPSC-derived and primary rat cardiomyocytes. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics. 148949
Slater PG, Domínguez-Romero ME, Villarreal M, et al. (2022) Mitochondrial function in spinal cord injury and regeneration. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences : Cmls. 79: 239
Cartes-Saavedra B, Macuada J, Lagos D, et al. (2022) OPA1 Modulates Mitochondrial Ca Uptake Through ER-Mitochondria Coupling. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 9: 774108
Tapia PJ, Figueroa AM, Eisner V, et al. (2020) Absence of AGPAT2 impairs brown adipogenesis, increases IFN stimulated gene expression and alters mitochondrial morphology. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental. 154341
Monsalves-Alvarez M, Morales PE, Castro-Sepulveda M, et al. (2020) β-Hydroxybutyrate Increases Exercise Capacity Associated with Changes in Mitochondrial Function in Skeletal Muscle. Nutrients. 12
Sánchez G, Chalmers S, Ahumada X, et al. (2020) Inhibition of chymotrypsin-like activity of the proteasome by ixazomib prevents mitochondrial dysfunction during myocardial ischemia. Plos One. 15: e0233591
Cartes-Saavedra B, Arancibia D, Burté F, et al. (2020) OPA1 GTPase and GE Domain-Specific Mutations Differentially Alter Mitochondrial Fusion Dynamics and Calcium Homeostasis Biophysical Journal. 118
Díaz-Vegas A, Eisner V, Jaimovich E. (2019) Skeletal muscle excitation-metabolism coupling. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 664: 89-94
Eisner V, Picard M, Hajnóczky G. (2018) Mitochondrial dynamics in adaptive and maladaptive cellular stress responses. Nature Cell Biology
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