Janell Fetterolf
Affiliations: | 2016 | Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States |
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Freedman G, Fetterolf JC, Beer JS. (2018) Engaging in social rejection may be riskier for women. The Journal of Social Psychology. 1-17 |
Chaney KE, Rudman LA, Fetterolf JC, et al. (2017) Paying a Price for Domestic Equality: Risk Factors for Backlash Against Nontraditional Husbands Gender Issues. 36: 3-22 |
Fetterolf JC, Rudman LA. (2016) Exposure to Sexual Economics Theory Promotes a Hostile View of Heterosexual Relationships Psychology of Women Quarterly. 41: 77-88 |
Rudman LA, Glick P, Marquardt T, et al. (2016) When Women are Urged to have Casual Sex More than Men are: Perceived Risk Moderates the Sexual Advice Double Standard Sex Roles. 77: 409-418 |
Rudman LA, Fetterolf JC. (2015) Why Sexual Economics Theory Is Patriarchal: Reply to Vohs and Baumeister's (2015) Comment on Rudman and Fetterolf (2014). Psychological Science. 26: 1524-5 |
Fetterolf JC, Sanchez DT. (2015) The costs and benefits of perceived sexual agency for men and women. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 44: 961-70 |
Rudman LA, Fetterolf JC. (2014) Gender and sexual economics: do women view sex as a female commodity? Psychological Science. 25: 1438-47 |
Rudman LA, Fetterolf JC. (2014) How accurate are metaperceptions of sexism? Evidence for the illusion of antagonism between hostile and benevolent sexism Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 17: 275-285 |
Fetterolf JC, Rudman LA. (2014) Gender Inequality in the Home: The Role of Relative Income, Support for Traditional Gender Roles, and Perceived Entitlement Gender Issues. 31: 219-237 |
Rudman LA, Fetterolf JC, Sanchez DT. (2013) What motivates the sexual double standard? More support for male versus female control theory. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 39: 250-63 |