Hua Tang

1992 Columbia University, New York, NY 
"Hua Tang"
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Yao L, Zhou Y, Sui Z, et al. (2019) HBV-encoded miR-2 functions as an oncogene by downregulating TRIM35 but upregulating RAN in liver cancer cells. Ebiomedicine
Zhu Y, Zhang Y, Sui Z, et al. (2016) USP14 de-ubiquitinates vimentin and miR-320a modulates USP14 and vimentin to contribute to malignancy in gastric cancer cells. Oncotarget
Tang H, Herman IP. (1992) Polarization Raman microprobe analysis of laser melting and etching in silicon Journal of Applied Physics. 71: 3492-3505
Tang H, Herman IP. (1992) Anomalous local laser etching of copper by chlorine Applied Physics Letters. 60: 2164-2166
Tang H, Herman IP. (1991) Raman microprobe scattering of solid silicon and germanium at the melting temperature. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 43: 2299-2304
Herman IP, Tang H, Leong PP. (1990) Real Time Optical Diagnostics in Laser Etching and Deposition Mrs Proceedings. 201
Tang H, Herman IP. (1990) Laser-induced and room temperature etching of copper films by chlorine with analysis by Raman spectroscopy Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology a: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 8: 1608-1617
Tang H, Herman IP. (1989) Local Laser Induced Etching of Copper Films by Chlorine Mrs Proceedings. 158
Pazionis GD, Tang H, Herman IP. (1989) Raman Microprobe Analysis of Temperature Profiles in CW Laser Heated Silicon Microstructures Ieee Journal of Quantum Electronics. 25: 976-988
Pazionis GD, Tang H, Ge L, et al. (1987) Stokes/Anti-Stokes Raman Microprobe Analysis of Laser-Heated Silicon Microstructures on Silicon Dioxide Mrs Proceedings. 101
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