Luigi Pinna

University of Genova, Genova, Liguria, Italy 
"Luigi Pinna"
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Ibrahim A, Pinna L, Valle M. (2018) Experimental characterization of dedicated front-end electronics for piezoelectric tactile sensing arrays Integration. 63: 266-272
Caviglia S, Pinna L, Valle M, et al. (2017) Spike-Based Readout of POSFET Tactile Sensors Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 64: 1421-1431
Pinna L, Ibrahim A, Valle M. (2017) Interface Electronics for Tactile Sensors Based on Piezoelectric Polymers Ieee Sensors Journal. 17: 5937-5947
Spanu A, Pinna L, Viola F, et al. (2016) A high-sensitivity tactile sensor based on piezoelectric polymer PVDF coupled to an ultra-low voltage organic transistor Organic Electronics. 36: 57-60
Seminara L, Pinna L, Ibrahim A, et al. (2016) Towards integrating intelligence in electronic skin Mechatronics. 34: 84-94
Gastaldo P, Pinna L, Seminara L, et al. (2015) A tensor-based approach to touch modality classification by using machine learning Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 63: 268-278
Gastaldo P, Pinna L, Seminara L, et al. (2014) Computational intelligence techniques for tactile sensing systems. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 14: 10952-76
Dahiya RS, Adami A, Pinna L, et al. (2014) Tactile sensing chips with POSFET array and integrated interface electronics Ieee Sensors Journal. 14: 3448-3457
Gastaldo P, Pinna L, Seminara L, et al. (2014) A Tensor-Based Pattern-Recognition Framework for the Interpretation of Touch Modality in Artificial Skin Systems Ieee Sensors Journal. 14: 2216-2225
Seminara L, Pinna L, Ibrahim A, et al. (2014) Electronic Skin: Achievements, Issues and Trends Procedia Technology. 15: 549-558
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